Verified B2B Databases of Indian Companies

Verified B2B Databases of Indian SMEs and Corporates: The Key ­­to Successful Marketing Campaigns

A recent news report by elaborates why communications technology is the main focus for companies shifting from on-premise to cloud. The companies will need to build capabilities to “lower overall cost and increase mobility with less risk”. That is what will help keep enterprise databases relevant in the long run.

Business firms are often in need of database support solutions to carry out their marketing campaigns. Database marketing is an important and effective direct marketing technique that uses customer databases to come up with targeted lists for the purpose of carrying out communications. These databases contain a number of vital marketing information like names of customers and their addresses, e-mails, phone numbers, information requests, purchase histories. Such vital information and areas of interest are often subject to change. Some of the changes can be tracked through transactional data, while others may be found in social media.

database-of-indian-smes-and-corporatesData that is collected accurately and legally from various sources like free-product application forms, credit applications, product warranty cards, contest entry forms as well as subscriptions to different product newsletters might provide updated and verified information. However, one should not limit the number of channels from which data may be available. Using a database successfully also involves ensuring that its source is credible and legal. Without such a guarantee, businesses simply fail to develop effective marketing campaigns.

Suppose your company has come up with an excellent product that will appeal to a large demographic of prospective buyers. You still need to understand the needs and preferences of the prospective customers to understand which particular group of audience you must target. You can then formulate e-mail campaigns to enhance your overall sales.

Selection of the target list is critical and it is not a simple process. Not all who indicate being enthusiastic about fashion will be interested in your pair of jeans, for example. In the retail business, open and click rates are anyway low, probably because people are biased towards specific brands, and not others. Developing the loyalty and anticipation may be easier when the offer is more serious, or when you use a tried and tested target list. Here’s the 2015 year-end trends:


To make sure that your brand marketing campaigns bear the fruits, you have to be well aware if your prospective customer data is up to date. Since it is not possible for an average business firm to always find out about these databases on their own, they need to consult credible vendors like the All India Companies Database in order to have a better idea of who might be looking for their products. Gathered through Indian Trade Associations list, Fortune 500, ET 1000, BT 1000, companies’ annual reports, survey and telecalling, the Indian companies’ database consists of named individuals with designations at corporate addresses. The designations range from Chairman, MD, VP, CEO, GM, Branch Manager, etc.

Numerous business firms make use of database techniques for refining their direct marketing databases. These include retailers, finance companies, internet service companies, technology vendors, insurance companies as well as B2B companies. The database marketing techniques are ideally suited for large business firms that often need to deal with larger customer bases which generate bulk amounts of business transaction data. The greater the size of initial data, greater the chance of finding prospective customers that can be approached via customized communication. Such companies can benefit greatly by using information available within the Database of Indian Corporates. This database covers job titles such as CEO, Managing Director, Chief Finance Officer (CFO), Finance Director, etc. of top corporate houses in India.

Certain support services can help companies to formulate a wide range of marketing campaigns. Some of these are mentioned below:

With the information available from Database of Indian Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), companies can make effective plans to improve their marketing campaigns. The database of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India includes individuals who are mostly owners, company directors and senior management executives.

Such verified databases not only help in saving time and money but also guarantees greater ROI. Database support services companies offer in-depth results and analysis on the Database of Indian SMEs which in turn benefit their business performance in more ways than one. It is due to such factors that more and more companies are choosing to use such database support services now than ever before.