When Web is the Marketing Vehicle, Databases are the Fuel for Sure

Databases of Indian Marketing, Finance, HR and IT Heads: Here is what you should look for 

The internet has become a preferred marketing tool. If you have the right expertise, you can have a speedy ride to success. It may come overnight, or it may take years, depending on your approach and the opportunities you discover in internet marketing.

Let’s consider a database for email marketing. If you are trying to get something out of the digital market, the absence of an opt-in mailing list will make things difficult. Whenever marketers have gained prospective leads in giant figures, it has been with mailing lists. But that’s not all. Any database is only as good as its maintenance schedule. Depending on your technology setup, you may be able to auto-update your lists. Data technology and new networking capabilities have got businesses looking around for automation in most database operations. But before that, you should decide what you want to be done to your database to keep it useful.

What makes mailing lists conducive to business?

Recently immense importance has been associated with mailing lists. Unlike earlier, every company now wants to know what’s in an emailing-list database, if it is a record of the current customers or just prospects, and if competitors have been privy to the information earlier. Whether it is Database of HR Heads in India, Database of Finance Heads in India, or Database of Marketing Decision Makers in India, it has become imperative for companies to have them. It is important to also ask if sales and marketing heads of other organizations have contacted the numbers on the list already. But more importantly than anything else, ask if the contacts in the list, have in one way or another, expressed permission to receive messages from your brand. Once you confirm that, may be a lot of your messages will still be ignored, but you can steer clear of legal issues.

With an email-marketing database, organization leaders can perform A/B testing to generate sales-ready leads. For example, Marketing Managers in India can spin off a population of respondents from the client base to review a new product. It is for this reason that Marketing Professionals in India prefer to work with comprehensive email-marketing databases. Any marketer who wants to reach out to IT heads or finance decision makers needs to rent databases such as IT Managers in India Database or the Database of Finance Heads in India.

So, what should a mailing list ideally have? It mostly contains physical and digital addresses of likely customers. However, there is no hard and fast rule for what a list can contain. Designation, Company name, email, office phone and personal phone—these form the essential data range. However, the more information on your clients, the better insights you have about them; and that helps finer targeting. For instance, if an Indian Finance Professionals Database provides you extra information like the company size, industry/sub-industry etc. of Finance Professionals and Decision Makers in India you can strategize your marketing activities and prepare collaterals accordingly.

For example, information and details about this group of professionals and decision makers can include their frequent flying habits, type of airlines they choose every time they travel, preferred luxury brands, their preferences in investment portfolios, their research and reading habits, their online procurement habits, the type of luxury services they avail, etc.

The information that you insert on the list should be verified for accuracy frequently, for people often change their companies, or roles within the same company, or contact information. Accuracy is what decides the efficacy of the mailing list database. Frequent verification is not an easy task, and cannot be undertaken unless by a dedicated task force with required expertise.

What do companies do?

To get their hands on fully verified information, companies partner with thousands of new and active businesses all over the country. That’s how they garner the much-required information. They have access to extensive data and multi-level information. For instance if a company requires details on HR Professionals in India or if they tap the HR Managers in India Database for information, they will be able to gather mailing information based on such precise categories like geography, demography, etc. Technology partnership in such business relations proves to be crucial.

Depending on the type of business and region, data sources may vary. It could include B2B databases such as LinkedIn, as well as data compiled through web research, state public records, yellow pages, and vendor records.

Updating master data in real time is crucial. Successful companies did not become successful simply by hoarding data and circulating it to respective departments. Companies have to keep updating their lists from time to time, while considering information that was logged some time back to see if they still tally with reality. Database technology has come a long way, and real-time updates have taken over the market. That is the way to bring together some of the most comprehensive lists for direct marketing—current, accurate, deliverable!