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About Professionals - Chartered Accountants (CA), Lawyers, etc. Database
This database of Professionals consists of individuals from various professions i.e. Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers/Advocates, Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers and other professionals who are self-employed and spread across the globe. They have a license from the Government for operating in their respective fields as professionals, with their own practice, and file income tax in the category of Self-employed Professionals. Professionals invariably respond well to consumer offers. After all, they are ‘consumers’ as well as professionals. They are all highly educated English-speaking individuals who belong to the high-net worth category worldwide and own their own homes and cars. They are good prospects for a wide range of high-value business and consumer offers including travel, investment services, properties, collectibles, leisure, financial services, magazines and books, fundraising, telecommunication services, luxury gifts and merchandise amongst others. This database is updated regularly through various direct mailing, tele calling, SMS and email campaigns.
Need For Professionals - Chartered Accountants (CA), Lawyers, etc. Database
We provide the best database with the details of Professionals - Chartered Accountants (CA), Lawyers, etc. Database for generating most qualified B2B sales leads. These databases will be extremely useful for Selling or Marketing for Products, Services & Solutions related to Professionals.
Sources of our database:
From various sources like seminars, conferences, industry/trade listings, directories, magazine subscriptions, exhibitions, surveys, data partners, web sources, etc.
Fields available:
Professional’s Name, Company Name, Address, City, Pin code, State, Country, Telephone Number, Email id etc.
Professionals - Chartered Accountants (CA), Lawyers, etc. Database of Various Industry Sectors
It consists of various professions i.e. Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers/Advocates, Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers and other professionals who are self-employed.
Get Targeted and Precise Professionals - Chartered Accountants (CA), Lawyers, etc. Database
Get Targeted and Precise Professionals - Chartered Accountants (CA), Lawyers, etc. Database
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