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Inquiries from corporate email ids will be given preference over personal id's (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo).
About Retailers Database
This database consists of all kinds of retailers across India, such as textile/garment retailers, jewelry retailers, footwear retailers, various e-commerce products/commodities retailers etc. Through MLG, you may also reach top retailers worldwide. All the data from retailers is segmented by various areas and cities. This helps businesses target more ‘local’ and national retailers across different cities, states or countries. A targeted database of Retailers with their contact data, including name, address, phone number and email address is now available. Our team has carefully screened these files to ensure only reliable sources are included in our collection. Whether you are a small business looking to expand your clientele or an online retail platform looking to add more retailers, this database has what you need! It is updated on a regular basis.
This database consists of shop name, mobile number, city, email id, and contact person’s name wherever available.
Need For Retailers Database
We provide the best retailers database with the details of their name, address, phone number and email address for generating most qualified sales leads. These databases will be extremely useful for Selling or Marketing for Products, Services & Solutions related to the retailing segment. Our Retailers Database helps you reach the right target in India and overseas.
Sources of our database:
From various sources like seminars, conferences, industry/trade listings, directories, magazine subscriptions, exhibitions, surveys, data partners, web sources, etc.
Fields available:
Retailers Database of Various cities
This is available for Pan India. However, majority of the records are available for tier 1 cities in India. Worldwide data also available.
Get Targeted and Precise Retailers Database
Get Targeted and Precise Retailers Database
Commonly Asked Questions
What is Retailers database?
How can I request more information for the Retailers database?
As a Retailers database provider, what is the quality assurance for the Retailers database?
We have a custom Retailers database requirement. How can you help us?
We work on custom data requirements for our clients and the contact information and fields covered in our database can be customized to your unique business needs.
How are MLG's Retailers databases unique?
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